Raymond's Graduation

Published by Alan Yu on Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This past Saturday my younger brother Raymond and his fiancee, Gina, both graduated from Rice University!  Even though I never talked very much to him about his college career but I'm sure it wasn't easy and it's really a great accomplishment.  I'm very proud of him and I'm sure he'll succeed in whatever he chooses to do.  I'm glad that he choose to stay in Houston.  Also a few shots of my parents so I want to also thank them for their ever lasting support and encouragement.  Thanks Mom and Dad!

Houston Art Car Preview Night

Published by Alan Yu on Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This past Friday, I went to check out the Houston Art Car Parade preview night at Discovery Green since I would be attending my brother's graduation at Rice University the next day.  It was very interesting to see what people could do to these cars.  There were lots of families bringing their kids out to enjoy the festivities.  It's wonderful to see that Houston still has lots of character.  Definitely check out the Art Car Parade next year if you have the chance.  If not, do as I did and come out the night before!

Planting Flowers at Home

Published by Alan Yu on Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sunday, Melissa and I decided we should do something to spice up the front walkway of our house.  It was simply filled with pine plants by the builder which were easy to take care of but did not a lot of curb appeal.  We went and got some pegonias from Cornelius Nursery and got busy planting.  Here are the results, what do you think?

Houston Polish Festival

Published by Alan Yu on Monday, May 04, 2009

Last Saturday was the Polish Festival.  We love pierogis so it sounded perfect for us to check out.  The food was indeed good and it was funny to see that basically everyone who attended knew each other except for the rare oddity such as ourselves.  Good thing our friend was Polish so we didn't stand out too much :-D


Kelly's Graduation Shoot

Published by Alan Yu on Friday, May 01, 2009

My friend Kelly had asked me to shoot her graduation pictures and we had originally planned to do it in Houston although ideally we could shoot around the UT campus.  Fortunately I was able to make it up to Austin for a couple days and could squeeze in a few hours to do the shoot.  It was a fairly hot and humid day but we made the best of it.  She had planned to do a few outfit changes but time and weather didn't permit.  Hopefully we got some that she will like!